Support NCLS

Please support the work of NCLS by signing up to make a regular annual donation using the form below. The rate for individual supporters is £20 per annum (£5 student concession), and £30 family.  Life membership is £250.  We also have a new Corporate Sponsorship scheme where for £200 per annum, local firms or organisations can provide us with valuable support and receive benefits in return. For further information, email

We will send you email updates from NCLS about our work and our plans for the future – unless you indicate otherwise on the form. You can also opt to receive the weekly newsletter of advice sector updates from the Norfolk Community Advice Network.

As well as contributing financially, the Supporters of NCLS help raise funds for the organisation and promote its aims through organising special events throughout the year. If you could spare a little time to help, please email us at

Become a Supporter
To become a supporter please fill in the form below, an email will then be sent to you with instructions about making your subscription payment.

    Individual - £20Family - £30Student - £5Life - £250Corporate - £200